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NOAA / National Weather Service Page

This page displays several possible pages from NOAA, the National Weather Service, and satellite imagery. Links within the display can lead to yet-another related page. A typical set of links is:

Oops - no image

Some browsers (notably Safari) are fussier than others about displaying content from other sites within a Trinidays page. Just in case, a button is provided to access the appropriate external site in a new window.

The current NOAA satellite data can be either fascinating or overwhelming. A small set of links is provided to “Visible” (what you might see from above) and “Shaded” (what you might see on TV radar) loops, but exploration is encouraged. Who knows what you’ll find?

Your webmaster is currently monitoring the satellite loops available from NOAA for display on Trinidays; at this time, NOAA is unreliable at delivering images on time, every time. Until this changes, satellite imagery requires leaving Trinidad Way and displaying the desired data directly from NOAA.

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Kenneth W. Brown, 4057 Trinidad Way, Naples, FL 34119
FBO Trinidad Way Neighborhood, IslandWalk