The Internet is bloated with information, some of it useful, some of it helpful, some of it… well… use your own judgement. This page collects some sites that might be worth visiting, as verified by Ken. The sites are grouped into categories in the menus, currently including:
Information:More Sites:
The displayed category is determined by the chosen menu item, showing the sites for that item. Selecting a different category can be done either via the menu or by using the dropdown list.
Within each category, most pages are external to Trinidays. Clicking a Site button will open the desired page ‑ unless your browser does not permit so‑called “Popup” windows. You may have to contact Ken if that occurs, since the page may not appear to do anything at all.
Within the “Health” category, a Body Mass Index (BMI) calulator is also provided. Select your height in feet and inches, and your body weight in pounds, then click the to display your BMI. Over 30 is classified Obese; over 25 is classified Overweight; under 18.5 is classified Underweight; anthything else is classified Normal.
If you have a suggestion for a site and/or a site category, please email Ken. If you want a LOT of other categorized sites, check out Kadaza. These sites have not been reviewed by, and cannot be changed by, Ken.
The standard page header contains the following functions:
- returns to Trinidays Home.
- opens HELP for a page (if shown).
- returns from HELP to the original page (if shown).
accesses the following menus:
Trinidad Way groups pages primarily of interest to residents of Trinidad Way, including:
- Neighbors goups several pages, including the street map and info about CONCUR members.
- Hurricane Prep discusses some thoughts on preparing for a major storm.
- Roof Tiles captures some information about your tiled roof.
- FEMA Flood Map is the most recent mapping for Trinidad Way, with some observations about storm surge.
- Passwords is a quick way to generate secure passwords. (Trinidad Way will not keep any information about them.)
- Memes is a fun way to create your own memes.
- Safer Searches allows you to conduct an Internet search while submitting less identifying information about you.
- IslandWalk accesses the CONCUR website and a few things about IslandWalk.
- Newsletters accesses the weekly and monthly e-blasts from Castle Group, as well as some articles of particular significance.
Information groups pages of interest primarily within the Naples area, including:
- Telephone Numbers accesses interesting telephone numbers
- Interactive Maps accesses interesting places both local and around the hemisphere
- News Weather etc. directly access popular categories of mostly‑external sites.
- More Sites directly access even more categories of local and internet pages in sets for display or visiting
Trinidad Way groups pages primarily of interest to residents of Trinidad Way, including:
Decisions of the judge are final, but feel free to lobby for another topic to be covered or
another page to be referenced from this site.
Explore a bit, and always have fun.
Site and page designs copyright © 2002-2025; all rights reserved
Disclaimer: “This web site contains information and opinions gathered from sources
believed to be reliable. Any of the information and/or opinions may be wrong.”
Kenneth W. Brown, 4057 Trinidad Way, Naples, FL 34119
FBO Trinidad Way Neighborhood, IslandWalk